Student Photos

Links to Critters Listed Below
Crustaceans | Fish | Jellyfish/Corals/Anemones | Mammals | Millipedes & Centipedes 
Reptiles & Amphibians | Snails & Slugs | Spiders | Arachnids | Springtails 

This page is a "catch all" for any backyard critters which don't belong on the Birds or Insects pages here on the Backyard Biology web site. I suspect it may branch out into more than one page in the near future. Almost all these critters were found in our yard (back or front) or, in some cases, inside the house. The main exception to this rule being some of the marine critters (we're lucky enough to have some great sand and mud beaches on the Sound here in Lacey and Olympia). If a critter is from more than 100 yards from my house, there will be a clickable link under it showing you a map of where it was photographed. In the mammals section, I've also listed a few animals that I have seen near my house (usually on the road and a bit flat), but for one reason or another, I haven't been able to get a good picture of one running around the neighborhood yet.

There are buttons beneath the thumbnails with links to pages that have more info on the critters pictured. As with the insects page, the folks over at BugGuide have been instrumental in identifying a lot of the critters on this page such as the spiders, non-spider arachnids, centipedes, and millipedes. Frans Janssens, in particular, over at BugGuide has been invaluable at IDing one of my new favorite critters: the springtails. Check them out--some are absolutely the stuff of movies and special effects! In some few cases, I've been lucky enough to be able to provide the first example of a particular species for the BugGuide site. Those critters are special to me and marked with a .

Some of these critters below are cute and furry; some of these critters are hairy and scary! In either case, enjoy peeking through some of the amazing fauna that are probably in your backyard as well.

(Armadillidium vulgare)

link to Bug Guide: Armadillidium vulgare
Cyclops (a common copepod)
(Cyclopidae family)

link to Bug Guide: Family Cyclopidae
Yellow Shore Crab
Yellow Shore Crab, Oregon Shore Crab
(Hemigrapsus oregonensis)

[Tolmie State Park - Olympia, WA]

link to Common Puget Sound Plants and Animals: Crystal Jellyfish
Rock Slater
Rock Slater
(Ligidium sp.)

link to Bug Guide: Genus Ligidium
European Sowbug
European Sowbug
(Oniscus asellus)

link to Bug Guide: Oniscus asellus
Sand Flea
Sand Flea
(Talitridae family)

[Tolmie State Park - Olympia, WA]

link to Bug Guide: Family Talitridae
Chum Salmon
Chum Salmon
(Oncorhynchus keta)

[McLane Nature Trail - Olympia, WA]

link to Fish Base: Chum Salmon
Jellyfish, Corals, and Anemones
Crystal Jelly
Crystal Jelly (Jellyfish)
(Aequorea sp.)

[Percival Landing - Olympia, WA]

link to Common Puget Sound Plants and Animals: Crystal Jellyfish
(Canis latrans)

link to Burke Museum: Carnivores
(Didelphis virginiana)

link to Burke Museum: Opossums
Black-tailed Deer
Black-tailed Deer
(Odocoileus hemionus)

[St. Martin's University - Lacey, WA]

link to Burke Museum: Split-hooved Mammals
Harbor Seal
Eastern Pacific Harbor Seal
(Phoca vitulina richardsi)

[Woodard Bay - Olympia, WA]

link to Burke Museum: Carnivores
(Procyon lotor)

link to Burke Museum: Carnivores
Black Rat
Black Rat, House Rat
(Rattus rattus)

link to Burke Museum: Rodents
Eastern Gray Squirrel
Eastern Gray Squirrel
(Sciurus carolinensis)

link to Burke Museum: Rodents
Cottontail Rabbit
Eastern Cottontail
(Sylvilagus floridanus)

link to Burke Museum: Lagomorphs
Douglas Squirrel
Douglas Squirrel
(Tamiasciurus douglasii)

link to Burke Museum: Rodents
(Family Vespertilionidae)

link to Burke Museum: Bats

Porcupine - no picture yet
(Erethizon dorsatum)

link to Burke Museum: Rodents
Striped Skunk - no picture yet
Striped Skunk
(Mephitis mephitis)

link to Burke Museum: Carnivores
Millipedes and Centipedes
(Chordeumatida order)

link to Bug Guide: Order Chordeumatida
Stone Centipede
Stone Centipede (juvenile)
(Lithobiidae family)

link to Bug Guide: Family Lithobiidae
(Parajulidae family)

link to Bug Guide: Family Parajulidae
Bristly Millipede
Bristly Millipede
(Polyxenidae family)

link to Bug Guide: Family Polyxenidae
Reptiles and Amphibians
Long-toed Salamander
Long-toed Salamander (juvenile)
(Ambystoma macrodactylum)

link to Burke Museum: Amphibians of Washington
Pacific Treefrog
Pacific Treefrog
(Hyla regilla)

link to Burke Museum: Amphibians of Washington
Northwestern Garter Snake
Northwestern Garter Snake
(Thamnophis ordinoides)

link to Burke Museum: Reptiles of Washington
Snails and Slugs
Chocolate Arion
Chocolate Arion,
European Red Slug
(Arion rufus)

link to Pacific NW Nursery IPM: European Red Slug
Spotted Leopard Slug
Spotted Leopard Slug,
Great Gray Garden Slug
(Limax maximus)

link to Pacific NW Nursery IPM: Spotted Leopard Slug
Common House Spider
Common House Spider
(Achaearanea tepidariorum)

link to Bug Guide: Achaearanea tepidariorum
Cross Spider
Cross Spider, Garden Spider
(Araneus diadematus)

link to Bug Guide: Araneus diadematus
Cobweb Spider
Cobweb Spider
(Enoplognatha ovata)
(Color morph: lineata)

link to Bug Guide: Enoplognatha ovata
Cobweb Spider
Cobweb Spider
(Enoplognatha ovata)
(Color morph: redimita)

link to Bug Guide: Enoplognatha ovata
Dwarf Spider
Dwarf Spider
(Erigone sp.)

link to Bug Guide: Genus Erigone
Bronze Jumper
Bronze Jumper
(Eris militaris)

link to Bug Guide: Eris militaris
Bronze Jumper
Bronze Jumper
(Eris militaris)

link to Bug Guide: Eris militaris
Dwarf or Sheetweb Spider
Dwarf or Sheetweb Spider
(Linyphiidae family)

link to Bug Guide: Family Linyphiidae
Jumping Spider
Jumping Spider
(Metaphidippus manni)

link to Bug Guide: Metaphidippus manni
Long-jawed Orb Weaver
Long-jawed Orb Weaver
(Metellina sp.)

link to Bug Guide: Genus Metellina
Flower Crab Spider
Flower Crab Spider, Goldenrod Spider
(Misumena vatia)

link to Bug Guide: Misumena vatia
Sierra Dome Spider
Sierra Dome Spider
(Neriene litigiosa)

link to Bug Guide: Neriene litigiosa
Western Lynx Spider
Western Lynx Spider
(Oxyopes scalaris)

link to Bug Guide: Oxyopes scalaris
Western Lynx Spider
Western Lynx Spider
(Oxyopes scalaris)

link to Bug Guide: Oxyopes scalaris
Western Lynx Spider
Western Lynx Spider
(Oxyopes scalaris)

link to Bug Guide: Oxyopes scalaris
Crab Spider
Crab Spider
(Ozyptila sp.)

link to Bug Guide: Genus Ozyptila
Thin-legged Wolf Spider
Thin-legged Wolf Spider
(Pardosa vancouveri)

link to Bug Guide: Pardosa vancouveri
Jumping Spider
Jumping Spider
(Phidippus sp.)

link to Bug Guide: Genus Phidippus
Running Crab Spider
Running Crab Spider
(Philodromus dispar)

link to Bug Guide: Philodromus dispar
Running Crab Spider
Running Crab Spider
(Philodromus rufus)

link to Bug Guide: Philodromus rufus
Long-bodied Cellar Spider
Long-bodied Cellar Spider
(Pholcus phalangioides)

link to Bug Guide: Pholcus phalangioides
Pirate Wolf Spider
Pirate Wolf Spider
(Pirata sp.)

link to Bug Guide: Genus Pirata
Zebra Jumper
Zebra Jumper
(Salticus scenicus)

link to Bug Guide: Salticus scenicus
False Black Widow
False Black Widow
(Steatoda grossa)

link to Bug Guide: Steatoda grossa
Giant House Spider
Greater European House Spider
(Tegenaria duellica)

link to Bug Guide: Tegenaria duellica
Cobweb Spider
Cobweb Spider
(Theridion sp.)

link to Bug Guide: Genus Theridion
Cobweb Spider
Cobweb Spider
(Theridion tinctum)

link to Bug Guide: Theridion tinctum
Slender Crab Spider
Slender Crab Spider
(Tibellus oblongus)

link to Bug Guide: Tibellus oblongus
Ground Crab Spider
Ground Crab Spider
(Xysticus sp.)

link to Bug Guide: Genus Xysticus
Arachnids (other than spiders)
Predatory Mite
Predatory Mite
(Bdellidae family)

link to Bug Guide: Family Bdellidae
(Erythraeidae family)

link to Bug Guide: Family Erythraeidae
(Mesostigmata order)

link to Bug Guide: Order Mesostigmata
Oribatid Mite
Oribatid Mite
(Oribatida order)

link to Bug Guide: Order Oribatida
Blue Oat Mite
Blue Oat Mite
(Penthaleus major)

link to Bug Guide: Penthaleus major
Common Harvestman
Common Harvestman (Daddy Longlegs)
(Phalangium opilio)

link to Bug Guide: Phalangium opilio
(Pseudoscorpiones order)

link to Bug Guide: Order Pseudoscorpiones
Trombidioid Mite
Trombidioid Mite
(Trombidioidea superfamily)

link to Bug Guide: Superfamily Trombidioidea
Globular Springtail
Globular Springtail
(Bourletiella arvalis)

link to Bug Guide: Bourletiella arvalis
(Ceratophysella sp.)

link to Bug Guide: Genus Ceratophysella
(Entomobrya intermedia)

link to Bug Guide: Entomobrya intermedia
Snow Flea
Snow Flea
(Hypogastrura sp.)

link to Bug Guide: Genus Hypogastrura
(Isotoma viridis)

link to Bug Guide: Isotoma viridis
(Isotomidae family)

link to Bug Guide: Family Isotomidae
(Lepidocyrtus cyaneus)

link to Bug Guide: Lepidocyrtus cyaneus
Springtail (juvenile)
(Orchesella cincta)

link to Bug Guide: Orchesella cincta
(Pogonognathellus flavescens)

link to Bug Guide: Pogonognathellus flavescens
Globular Springtail
Globular Springtail
(Ptenothrix sp.)

link to Bug Guide: Genus Ptenothrix
Globular Springtail
Globular Springtail
(Ptenothrix beta)

link to Bug Guide: Ptenothrix beta
Globular Springtail
Globular Springtail
(Ptenothrix maculosa)

link to Bug Guide: Ptenothrix maculosa
Globular Springtail
Globular Springtail
(Ptenothrix palmata)

link to Bug Guide: Ptenothrix palmata
Globular Springtail
Globular Springtail
(Ptenothrix renateae)

link to Bug Guide: Ptenothrix renateae
Globular Springtail
Globular Springtail
(Sminthurinus sp.)

link to Bug Guide: Genus Sminthurinus
(Tomocerus minor)

link to Bug Guide: Tomocerus minor
Globular Springtail
Globular Springtail
(Vesicephalus occidentalis)

link to Bug Guide: Vesicephalus occidentalis
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©2010 Kevin Hall