Student Photos

This page is for my students, and their friends and families, to see the amazing photos my students have taken of all sorts of critters who live in and around our houses here in the Northwest. In addition to the superb pictures, the students had to key out the animal and find out all the information required on their Backyard Bio Worksheet. Their images are also up on the large bulletin board in my classroom along with their names. I'd love to share their photo credits here as well, but as student names are a no-no on the internet for understandable reasons the photo credits are limited to initials and class period.

2007-2008 (15 species)
Best Photograph 2007-2008
Best Photograph 2007-2008
(Photographica superioris)
Coolest Critter 2007-2008
Coolest Critter 2007-2008
(Speciata megacoolicus)

Cross Spider
Cross Spider
(Araneus diadematus)

photo: S.L.(1)
Great Blue Heron
Great Blue Heron
(Ardea herodias)

photo: R.T.(6)
Greater Scaup
Greater Scaup
(Aythya marila)

photo: C.A.(6)
Red-tailed Hawk
Red-Tailed Hawk
(Buteo jamaicensis)

photo: Z.L.(1)
Northwestern Crow
Northwestern Crow
(Corvus caurinus)

photo: S.L.(1)
(Didelphis virginiana)

photo: M.M.(1)
Pileated Woodpecker
Pileated Woodpecker
(Dryocopus pileatus)

photo: M.E.(1)
Ensatina (Salamander)
Ensatina (salamander)
(Ensatina eschscholtzii)

photo: T.M.(1)
Jumping Spider
Jumping Spider
(Eris sp.)

photo: R.K.(1)
Pacific Treefrog
Pacific Treefrog
(Hyla regilla)

photo: R.W.(1)
Dark-eyed Junco
Dark-eyed Junco
(Junco hyemalis)

photo: B.W.(6)
Goldenrod Spider
Goldenrod Spider
(Misumena vatia)

photo: T.M.(1)
Black-tailed Deer
Black-tailed Deer
(Odocoileus hemionus)

photo: R.K.(1)
Eastern Gray Squirrel
Eastern Gray Squirrel
(Sciurus carolinensis)

photo: J.W.(1)
Rufous Hummingbird
Rufous Hummingbird
(Selasphorus rufus)

photo: H.T.(6)
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©2010 Kevin Hall